Giving the gift of life is the most amazing gift someone could give. By becoming a Gestational Surrogate you are giving couples hope that miracles do happen.
Gestational Surrogacy is the most common form of Surrogacy entered in Canada. This method of surrogacy allows woman such as you self to help a couple become parents without the child having a biological connection to you.
Medical screening both mentally and physically needs to be completed and passed in order to become a surrogate.
Ontario Surrogacy Online wants you the Surrogate to feel comfortable with your journey as a whole. Surrogates who sign up with our program you are not just a profile you are part of our family.
Whether you are searching for information, ready to begin your journey or returning for another journey we are happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have. If you meet the criteria and you would like to fill out an application please do so, or for more information please contact us.
⦁ Must be 21 – 45 years old
⦁ Have at least one child of her own
⦁ Does not smoke
⦁ Does not do any recreational drugs
⦁ Does not abuse alcohol
⦁ Enjoys being pregnant
⦁ Physically and Emotionally healthy
⦁ No history of major complications during previous pregnancies.
⦁ Compassionate, trustworthy, thoughtful of others, over all positive caring person.
⦁ Possess the knowledge and understanding that the child(ren) you would be carrying as a result of a Surrogacy Agreement are to be handed to the Intended Parents at Birth.
⦁ Understanding of Surrogacy and want to enter into a journey for the right reasons.
⦁ Life style that would provide a healthy pregnancy.
The experience of helping another couple is beyond words. Surrogacy is an amazing alternative for couples and individuals, for some it may be their last opportunity to have a biological child.
Here is a list for thoughts that we think you should really think about before entering into a surrogacy journey.
⦁ There can be side effects from the medication and risks involved with pregnancy and the possibility of needing a caesarean section.
⦁ Are you willing to carry multiples? The chance of twins is between 20-25%
⦁ Once you have started a journey can you commit? There is no time line in surrogacy as it may take over a year.
⦁ Do you have support from your family and close friends?
⦁ Have you talked to your family and children about surrogacy?
⦁ Knowing the child(ren) you are carrying is not yours, emotionally will you be ok handing the baby(s) over to the intended parents at birth?
⦁ Surrogacy can be physically, mentally and emotionally challenging.
⦁ How do you feel about abortion if it has been determined the fetus has abnormalities/genetic defects?
⦁ How do you feel about reduction? So if there would be more than 2 fetuses and it is the best interest for your safety and the baby(s). The doctor may suggest reducing to twins.
⦁ Do you have a flexible schedule? You will need to attend appointments for cycling and transfer as well as monitoring of the pregnancy up until the 12th week.
⦁ You will need to have injections. Will you be able to self-administer them or have someone who can help you?
⦁ Serious complications can arise in pregnancy, as they can in any pregnancy are you willing to risk this?
OSO is there to support you and your family. If you would like us to explain surrogacy to someone please let us know.