Genesis Fertility Centre
300-1367 West Broadway Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6H 4A7
Tel: 604-879-3032
Toll Free: 1-800-753-0111
Fax: 604-875-1432
Web: www.genesis-fertility.com
Email: genesis@genesis-fertility.com
Vancouver, BC V6H 4A7
Tel: 604-879-3032
Toll Free: 1-800-753-0111
Fax: 604-875-1432
Web: www.genesis-fertility.com
Email: genesis@genesis-fertility.com
Grace Fertility Centre
210-604 West Broadway Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 1G1
Tel: 604-558-4886
Website: www.fertilitywithgrace.com
Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 1G1
Tel: 604-558-4886
Website: www.fertilitywithgrace.com
Kelowna Regional Fertility Centre
202-1630 Pandosy Street
Kelowna, BC V1Y 1P7
Tel: 250-861-6811
Toll Free:1-888-861-KRFC (5732)
Fax: 250-861-6814
Web: www.kelownaregionalfertilitycentre.ca
Kelowna, BC V1Y 1P7
Tel: 250-861-6811
Toll Free:1-888-861-KRFC (5732)
Fax: 250-861-6814
Web: www.kelownaregionalfertilitycentre.ca
Olive Fertility Centre
300-555 West 12th Avenue, East Tower
Vancouver. British Columbia V5Z 3X7
Tel: 604-559-9950
Fax: 604-559-9951
Website: www.olivefertility.com
Vancouver. British Columbia V5Z 3X7
Tel: 604-559-9950
Fax: 604-559-9951
Website: www.olivefertility.com
Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine
500-4601 Canada Way
Burnaby British Columbia V5G 4X7
Tel: 604-422-7276
Toll Free: 1-866-481-7276
Website: www.pacificfertility.ca
Burnaby British Columbia V5G 4X7
Tel: 604-422-7276
Toll Free: 1-866-481-7276
Website: www.pacificfertility.ca
Victoria Fertility Centre
207-4400 Chatterton Way
Victoria, British Columbia V8X 5J2
Tel: 250-704-0024
Fax: 250-704-0034
Website: www.victoriafertility.com
Victoria, British Columbia V8X 5J2
Tel: 250-704-0024
Fax: 250-704-0034
Website: www.victoriafertility.com

Regional Fertility Program
1620-29th Street NW, Suite 300
Calgary, Alberta T2N 4L7
Tel: 403-284-9444
Website: www.regionalfertilityprogram.ca
1620-29th Street NW, Suite 300
Calgary, Alberta T2N 4L7
Tel: 403-284-9444
Website: www.regionalfertilityprogram.ca
Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine
9888 Jasper Avenue 3rd floor
Edmonton, AB T5J 5C6
Tel: 780-990-4442
Website: www.pacificfertility.ca
Edmonton, AB T5J 5C6
Tel: 780-990-4442
Website: www.pacificfertility.ca

ARTUS Centre
Royal University Hospital
Royal University Hospital
103 Hospital Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W8
Tel: 306-966-8031
Website: www.usask.ca/medicine/obgyn/artus/
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W8
Tel: 306-966-8031
Website: www.usask.ca/medicine/obgyn/artus/
Aurora Reproductive Care
405-475 2nd Avenue South
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 1P4
Tel: 306-653-5222
Website: www.auroraivf.ca
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 1P4
Tel: 306-653-5222
Website: www.auroraivf.ca

Heartland Fertility
701 – 1661 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3T7
Tel: 204-779-8888
Fax: 204-779-8877
Email: info@heartlandfertility.mb.ca
Web: www.heartlandfertility.mb.ca
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3T7
Tel: 204-779-8888
Fax: 204-779-8877
Email: info@heartlandfertility.mb.ca
Web: www.heartlandfertility.mb.ca
Anova Fertility and Reproductive Health
650-25 Sheppard Ave West
Toronto, Ontario M2N 6S6
Tel: 416-225-4440
Website: www.anovafertility.com
Toronto, Ontario M2N 6S6
Tel: 416-225-4440
Website: www.anovafertility.com
Astra Fertility Group
Mississauga Clinic
Mississauga Clinic
4303 Village Centre Court
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1S2
Tel: 905-949-6999
Website: www.astrafertility.com
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1S2
Tel: 905-949-6999
Website: www.astrafertility.com
Barrie Fertility Centre
306-1 Quarry Ridge Road
Barrie, Ontario L4M 7G1
Tel: 705-728-7784
Website: www.barriefertilitycentre.com
Barrie, Ontario L4M 7G1
Tel: 705-728-7784
Website: www.barriefertilitycentre.com
CReATe Fertility Centre
790 Bay Street
11th floor
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1N8
Tel: 416-323-7727
Website: www.createivf.com
11th floor
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1N8
Tel: 416-323-7727
Website: www.createivf.com
Durham Fertility Clinic
117 King Street East
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1B9
Tel: 905-721-3582
Website: www.durhamfertilityclinic.ca
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1B9
Tel: 905-721-3582
Website: www.durhamfertilityclinic.ca
Fertility Ontario
406-746 Baseline Road
London, Ontario N6C 5Z2
Tel: 519-439-5555
Toll Free: 1-888-826-7448
Website: www.fertilityontario.com
London, Ontario N6C 5Z2
Tel: 519-439-5555
Toll Free: 1-888-826-7448
Website: www.fertilityontario.com
Hannam Fertility Centre
1103-655 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K4
Tel: 416-595-1521
Website: www.hannamfertility.com
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K4
Tel: 416-595-1521
Website: www.hannamfertility.com
HART Fertility Centre
1057 Main St West
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 1B7
Tel: 905-972-8382
Website: www.hartfertility.ca
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 1B7
Tel: 905-972-8382
Website: www.hartfertility.ca
The H.E.A.R.T. Fertility Clinic
190 Catharine St. S.
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 2K3
Tel: 905-523-0626
Website: www.heartfertility.ca
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 2K3
Tel: 905-523-0626
Website: www.heartfertility.ca
IVF Canada
304-2347 Kennedy Road
Scarborough, Ontario M1T 3T8
Tel: 416-754-8742
Website: www.ivfcanada.com
Scarborough, Ontario M1T 3T8
Tel: 416-754-8742
Website: www.ivfcanada.com
Kitchener Area Reproductive Medicine Associates
400-18 Pine Street
Kitchener, Ontario N2H 5Z8
Tel: 519-570-0090
Website: www.karmaobgyn.com
Kitchener, Ontario N2H 5Z8
Tel: 519-570-0090
Website: www.karmaobgyn.com
Mount Sinai Hospital Centre for Fertility and Reproductive Health
700-250 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2Z5
Tel: 416-586-4748
Website: www.mountsinai.on.ca/care/fertilit
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2Z5
Tel: 416-586-4748
Website: www.mountsinai.on.ca/care/fertilit
NewLife Fertility Centre
Brampton Office
3-263 Queen St. East
Brampton, Ontario L6W 4K6
Tel: 905-453-8477
Mississauga Office
4250 Sherwoodtowne Blvd.
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 2G6
Tel: 905-896-7100
Burlington Office
418 Plains Road
East Burlington, Ontario L6T 2C8
Tel: 905-896-7100
Woodbridge Office
103-7777 Kipling Ave
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 2Z3
Tel: 905-264-4431
Website: www.newlifefertility.com
3-263 Queen St. East
Brampton, Ontario L6W 4K6
Tel: 905-453-8477
Mississauga Office
4250 Sherwoodtowne Blvd.
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 2G6
Tel: 905-896-7100
Burlington Office
418 Plains Road
East Burlington, Ontario L6T 2C8
Tel: 905-896-7100
Woodbridge Office
103-7777 Kipling Ave
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 2Z3
Tel: 905-264-4431
Website: www.newlifefertility.com
Oakville Fertility & Women’s Health Centre
627 Lyons Lane Level B
Oakville, Ontario L6J 5Z7
Tel: 905-844-7238
Website: www.oakvillefertility.com
Oakville, Ontario L6J 5Z7
Tel: 905-844-7238
Website: www.oakvillefertility.com
ONE Fertility
3210 Harvester Road
Burlington Ontario L7N 3T1
Tel: 877-663-0223
Fax: 905-639-3810
Website: www.onefertility.com
Burlington Ontario L7N 3T1
Tel: 877-663-0223
Fax: 905-639-3810
Website: www.onefertility.com
Ottawa Fertility Centre
210-955 Green Valley Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3V4
Tel: 613-686-3378
Website: www.conceive.ca
Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3V4
Tel: 613-686-3378
Website: www.conceive.ca
Procrea Fertility Centre
400-955 Major Mackenzie Dr. W.
Vaughan, Ontario L6A 4P9
Tel: 289-357-0100
Website: www.procreafertility.com
Vaughan, Ontario L6A 4P9
Tel: 289-357-0100
Website: www.procreafertility.com
Procrea Fertility Centre Newmarket
72 Prospect St.
Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 3T2
Tel: 905-967-0852
Website: www.procreanewmarket.com
Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 3T2
Tel: 905-967-0852
Website: www.procreanewmarket.com
The Reproductive Care Centre
Oakville Office
408 North Service Road E, Level 2
Oakville, Ontario L6H 5R2
Tel: 905-816-9822
Web: www.rccfertility.com
Mississauga Office
2180 Meadowvale Blvd.
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 5S3
Tel: 905-816-9822
408 North Service Road E, Level 2
Oakville, Ontario L6H 5R2
Tel: 905-816-9822
Web: www.rccfertility.com
Mississauga Office
2180 Meadowvale Blvd.
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 5S3
Tel: 905-816-9822
ReproMed-The Toronto Institute for Reproductive Medicine
300-56 Aberfoyle Crescent
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2W4
Tel: 416-233-8111
Toll Free: 1-877-317-6079
Website: www.repromed.ca
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2W4
Tel: 416-233-8111
Toll Free: 1-877-317-6079
Website: www.repromed.ca
107-555 Southdale Rd, East
London, Ontario N6E 1A2
Tel: 519-685-5559
Website: www.soft-infertility.com
London, Ontario N6E 1A2
Tel: 519-685-5559
Website: www.soft-infertility.com
TRIO: Advancing Reproductive Care
655 Bay Street (11th & 18th floors)
Toronto, Ontario M2G 2K4
Tel: 416-972-0110
Toll Free: 1-800-520-0110
Website: www.tcartonline.com
430 The Boardwalk
Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z4
Tel: 519-585-1796
Toll Free: 1-800-520-0110
Website: www.tcartonline.com
Ajax Medical Centre
300 Rossland Road East
Ajax, Ontario L1Z 0M1
Tel: 416-972-0110
Toll Free: 1-800-520-0110
Website: www.tcartonline.com
655 Bay Street (11th & 18th floors)
Toronto, Ontario M2G 2K4
Tel: 416-972-0110
Toll Free: 1-800-520-0110
Website: www.tcartonline.com
430 The Boardwalk
Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z4
Tel: 519-585-1796
Toll Free: 1-800-520-0110
Website: www.tcartonline.com
Ajax Medical Centre
300 Rossland Road East
Ajax, Ontario L1Z 0M1
Tel: 416-972-0110
Toll Free: 1-800-520-0110
Website: www.tcartonline.com
We Care
201-101 Westmore Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9V 3Y6
Tel: 416-748-2800
Fax: 416-748-8865
Website: www.torontowestendfertility.com
Toronto, Ontario M9V 3Y6
Tel: 416-748-2800
Fax: 416-748-8865
Website: www.torontowestendfertility.com

McGill University Reproductive Centre
Royal Victoria Hospital
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1
Tel: 514-843-1650
Website: www.mcgillivf.com
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1
Tel: 514-843-1650
Website: www.mcgillivf.com
Montreal Fertility Clinic
220-5252 de Maisonneuve W.
Montreal, Quebec H4A 3S5
Tel: 514-369-6116
Website: www.montrealfertility.com
Montreal, Quebec H4A 3S5
Tel: 514-369-6116
Website: www.montrealfertility.com
PROCREA Cliniques
301-1361, ave Beaumont
Ville Mont-Royal, Quebec H3P 2H7
Tel: 514-345-8535
Website: www.procrea.com
Quebec City
401-5600 boul. des Galeries
Quebec City, Quebec G2K 2H6
Tel: 418-260-9555
301-1361, ave Beaumont
Ville Mont-Royal, Quebec H3P 2H7
Tel: 514-345-8535
Website: www.procrea.com
Quebec City
401-5600 boul. des Galeries
Quebec City, Quebec G2K 2H6
Tel: 418-260-9555

Atlantic Assisted Reproductive Therapies
213-1535 Dresden Row
Halifax, NS B3J 3T1
Tel: 902-404-8600
Fax: 902-404-8601
Web: www.aart.ca
Email: info@aart.ca
Halifax, NS B3J 3T1
Tel: 902-404-8600
Fax: 902-404-8601
Web: www.aart.ca
Email: info@aart.ca
35 Providence Street
Moncton, NB E1C 8X3
Tel: 506-862-4217
Toll Free: 866-381-2229
Fax: 506-862-7571
Email: info@conceptia.ca
Web: www.conceptia.ca
Moncton, NB E1C 8X3
Tel: 506-862-4217
Toll Free: 866-381-2229
Fax: 506-862-7571
Email: info@conceptia.ca
Web: www.conceptia.ca